Universidad San Agustín de Tanzania (SAUT)
Fundado en 1998, como sucesor del Instituto de Formación Social Nyegezi (NSTI), se fundó en 1960 como el Centro de Formación Social Nyegezi por los Padres Blancos Católicos (ahora llamados Misioneros de África). Adquirido el estado actual 1998.
Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU)
Calificaciones 4
Idiomas 1
Divisiones 14
- Centro de Dar es SalaamCampos de estudio: Administración educacional, Comunicación de masas, Periodismo, Periodismo, Administracion de Negocios
- Centro Mbeya
- Colegio Universitario De la Universidad Arzobispo JamesCampos de estudio: Ética, Comunicación de masas, Lingüística, Lenguajes modernos, Filosofía, Medicina, Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades, Educación, Administracion de Negocios
- Colegio Universitario Arzobispo Mihayo del Colegio TaboraCampos de estudio: Relaciones públicas, Publicidad y Publicidad, Sociología, Educación, Ley, Administracion de Negocios
- Cardenal Rugambwa Memorial University College College
- Jordan University College College
- Marian University College College
- St. Francis University College for Health and Allied Sciences - SFUCHAS CollegeCampos de estudio: Ciencias de la Salud
- Stella Maris Mtwara University College - STEMMUCO College
- Facultad de Administración de EmpresasCampos de estudio: Gestion de transporte, Recursos humanos, Negocios Internacionales, Turismo, Márketing, Financiar, Contabilidad, Gestión, Administracion de Negocios
- Facultad de EducaciónCampos de estudio: Estudios religiosos, Administración educacional, Lingüística, Geografía, Historia, Educación
- Facultad de IngenieríaCampos de estudio: Ingeniero civil
- Facultad de Derecho
- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y ComunicacionesCampos de estudio: Ética, Estudios de desarrollo, Comunicación de masas, Sociología, Filosofía, Ciencias económicas
Matrícula anual
Moneda local: TZS
335.000,00 TZS – 1.719.000,00 TZS
- Detalles de admisión: For Certificate programmes, Candidate should have completed at least form four (ordinary Level), or its equivalent, with passes in English in the certificate of secondary education (C.S.E.E). Candidates should be preferably having a working knowledge of two years in the related field. For Bachelor programmes, (i) Candidates must be holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E) with at least two principal passes in relevant subjects. They must have at least five (5) credit passes in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E Ordinary level) including English. In additional, the applicant must have secured in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A- Level) a total of five points or more in appropriate subjects at the same sitting. The points are based on the following scale: A=5, B=4, C =3, D=2, E=1, S=0.5, F=0, OR (ii) Candidates must hold qualifications equivalent to the above requirements from an institutional recognized by the university, OR n(iii) Candidate must hold a relevant Diploma of at least second-class standing from an Institution recognized by the University, OR (iv) Candidate of mature age (25 years) who possess the certificate of Secondary Education Examination ( C.S.E.E O’ Level) with at least five passes and three credits in approved subject, which should include Mathematics and English, and have a minimum four years working experience in a relevant field may apply. Such candidates must be ready to take special aptitude test. For Masters programmes, (i) Holders of Bachelor in the relevant field with first class OR second class upper division, (ii) Holders of post graduate diploma in relevant field, (iii) Holders of lower second class or pass degree with a minimum of 3 years work experience in organizations and or government. For Ph.D. programmes, (I) Holder of the MA in Communication from recognized institution of Higher learning with “a cumulative BA and MA grade point average” approaching 4.0, (ii) Some previous field research experience as a research assistant or in the MA thesis is Preferable, (iii) Excellent command of English, (iv) Readiness to dedicate full time to doctoral studies and research over a period of three or four years.
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